Use of this website
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This website is intended for use within the United Kingdom. Use of the website is governed by relevant English Laws. Ian Simpson Building & Carpentry accepts no responsibility whatever for attempts to use the website from locations outside the United Kingdom and consequences of any such usages are entirely at the risk of the user. Ian Simpson Building & Carpentry will observe your statutory rights under English Law in using this website.
Ian Simpson Building & Carpentry will take all reasonable precautions to protect your privacy in using this site. This Privacy Policy explains how we handle information we receive form users of this website and your options regarding the ways in which your personal data is used. If you have any requests concerning your personal information held by Ian Simpson Building & Carpentry please contact us
Information we collect
Ian Simpson Building & Carpentry collects the details provided by you in the ways described below: When you send an email to us your name, email address and any other personal details may be stored in our email inbox and recorded in a contact database purely for the purpose of sending you information in response to your communication. You can request the removal of this information from our database at any time.
We also collect any contact information you give during the course of transactions you undertake (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address). This information is stored to maintain a record of transactions for the benefit of both parties. As a customer of Ian Simpson Building & Carpentry you may then receive postal or email information from. If this is in any way promotional, it will contain an option to withdraw from receipt of further promotional information.
Disclosure of personal information
Information you supply will be used solely for the efficient conduct of your dealings with Ian Simpson Building & Carpentry. Your details will not be passed on to any other commercial organisation and will not knowingly be divulged under any circumstances unless we are obliged to do so by appropriate legal authority.
Other websites
Our web site may contain links to other web sites which are outside our control and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of these sites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from ours.
At the present time, this site does not make use of 'Cookies' to track or personalize your experience in accessing the site.
Your access rights
You have a right to access the personal data that is held about you. To obtain a copy of the personal information that Ian Simpson Building & Carpentry holds about you, please write, enclosing your postal address and to : Privacy Request, Ian Simpson, Pembroke, Hill Pound, Swanmore, Hampshire SO32 2PS .
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